Saturday, November 14, 2009


Halloween 2009. We had the best family party. The kids played fear factor, went trick-or-treating, and had a cake walk. Halloween night was great. The weather was so warm the girls went all around the neighborhood. They had quite a group of girls to go get treats with!

A Walk to Remember

Kim and I were able to go to A Walk to Remember in October. There were some very special moments throughout that day that made me so happy to be there. We got shirts that had our babies names on them. I love to wear that shirt. We got balloons and wrote all the babies names that we were supporting. We wrote on little cards and tied them to the ballons. Alyssa took time and wrote a very cute note. We took the balloons and walked around the park. Durring the walk Alyssa looked at me and said these balloons are going to heaven, huh. I said of course they will. I am so happy that we got to have the opportunity to do something physical that helped us remember little Clint. It was so tender but also fun for the girls to let the balloons go. I was so thankful to have Kim and Craig there. It was so cute to watch Addy let her balloon go. I was also grateful to meet Risa. She was strong to come so soon after her loss. I know it is hard to remember what could have been. But he is apart of our family and I have started some sweet traditions that I would like to keep every November 5th. The girls still talk about him. And it has now been a year and I feel like a weight has been lifted. I am so happy. And I am so thankful for the wonderful support system that I have around me! Thank you all so much!